Suffering from Knee Joint Pain? Consult an Expert Knee Pain Treatment Doctor for Help
Getting ready for the holiday season means getting your pantry in order. The last thing you want on Thanksgiving morning is realizing that you’re out of nutmeg, which is the secret ingredient in your famous mac and cheese. You begin to sort through your spices and condiments, throwing out what is expired and cleaning up those loose brown sugar crumbs when your knee joint pain makes you pause and grab an ice pack. Even after 20 minutes of icing and resting, your joint pain is still present enough to derail the rest of your organizing that afternoon. The five year old dried sage in the dusty corner of your spice shelf lives to see another day.
This isn’t the first time that your knee pain has made you stop something you were doing in order to rest. In fact, it’s been happening often enough that you’re considering seeing a knee pain treatment doctor for help. Where can you turn for chronic knee pain relief? Trust the pain management doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists for the best knee joint care. Our pain specialists all have extensive training in pain management, and are board certified and Harvard-trained pain experts. Once you schedule an appointment at our pain clinic, you’ll regret that you tolerated your chronic knee pain for so long instead of finding minimally invasive treatments that really work for knee pain relief.
Meet a Knee Pain Treatment Doctor From Pain Treatment Specialists
The knee pain treatment doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists are pain management experts, and not orthopedic surgeons. An orthopedic surgeon uses knee replacement surgery as their primary method of knee pain relief. This type of doctor is trained in surgical methods of knee pain treatment. At Pain Treatment Specialists, our doctors use their backgrounds in pain management to create customized treatment plans for each patient that use minimally invasive knee pain treatments. This means that instead of invasive and painful knee surgery, you can instead find effective pain relief from steroid injections, physical therapy, and nerve blocks. Here are a few of our knee pain treatment doctors in NYC and NJ:
- Dr. Laura Lombardi: Dr. Lombardi completed an interventional pain medicine fellowship at Harvard University, and is also double board certified in pain medicine and anesthesiology. Her speciality is creating customized treatment plans for each patient that work with their specific knee injury or knee joint pain. Using fluoroscopic-guided treatments is another area of expertise for Dr. Lombardi, who uses this tool to precisely locate and treat the exact area of your knee pain.
- Dr. Shane Volney: Dr. Volney completed a fellowship in palliative medicine at Harvard, as well as a pain management fellowship at The Massachusetts General Hospital: Harvard Medical School. While at Mass General, Dr. Volney was appointed DIrector of Resident Education in Pain Medicine, and also served as chairman of the Massachusetts General Hospital Pain and Sedation Committee. Dr. Volney uses his background in pain medicine to provide in-depth knowledge that leads to an effective knee pain treatment.
Dr. Lombardi and Dr. Volney are just 2 of our highly-qualified knee pain treatment doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists. Book an appointment today and receive expert medical advice about your chronic knee pain.
What Treatment Options Work Best for Chronic Knee Pain?
Chronic knee pain not only causes physical stress, it also adds mental stress to your day. Take your pantry re-organization project: now you have to put this task off for another day, and might not even get around to it. When that empty nutmeg container rears its ugly head on Thanksgiving morning you’ll be cursing that darn knee pain that made you stop cleaning.
Making an appointment with a knee pain treatment doctor at Pain Treatment Specialists is the best way to ensure that your chronic knee pain doesn’t become worse. Your pain management doctor uses a wide variety of minimally invasive knee pain treatments that get you up and on your feet the very same day. Some of our highly effective knee pain treatments include:
- Physical Therapy: A physical therapist uses their background in exercise science and sports medicine to strengthen the muscles of the knee and increase your knee’s mobility. Your physical therapist creates a customized set of exercises, stretches, and activities that relieve your chronic knee pain while also building strength in your knee muscles.
- Steroid Injection: A steroid injection is highly effective for reducing pain and swelling in your knee. Your joint pain doctor uses a corticosteroid injection, which reduces swelling and inflammation in the precise location of your knee pain.
- G-Block: A genicular nerve block does exactly what its name implies. It blocks the pain signals sent from your genicular nerves, which carry pain signals to your brain. If other minimally invasive knee pain treatments haven’t provided effective relief, a g-block is an excellent next step.
Don’t spend another day stressing over what you keep putting off due to knee pain. Schedule an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists and see how easy it is to kick knee pain out of your life.
How Can I Describe My Chronic Knee Pain to a Pain Specialist?
When you suffer from chronic knee pain, it can be difficult to find the right words to describe your pain. You often push the pain into the background and try to ignore its presence. However, your knee pain treatment doctor needs to know your exact pain symptoms in order to give you a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Here are some tips to help you describe your knee pain:
1.Keep a pain diary. Before your visit, write down all of your knee pain throughout the day. Do you feel more pain in the morning, after a run, or when you lay down at night? Chronicling your knee pain throughout an average day is helpful.

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2.Use numbers to describe your pain threshold. This is useful in conjunction with your pain diary. Your knee pain might be a 2 when you wake up, but an 8 after climbing stairs.
3.Use specific words to describe your pain like “throbbing”, “grinding”, “stiff”, “weak”, or “unable to straighten.” This also helps your doctor assess your knee pain situation.
Book an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists and see how easy it is to get back to a pain free life. With pain clinics conveniently located in northern NJ and NYC, it’s easy to find knee pain relief and ensure that your spice rack is fully stocked for a festive holiday season.


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