Meet with a Top Shoulder Pain Doctor for Front Deltoid Pain

When you were a kid, the idea of buying a power washer wouldn’t even rank on your list of “fun” purchases. Grown-up you has a different definition of “fun” and can’t wait to wash the dirt and grime off of your house and driveway with your new toy. After getting all of the hoses and guns attached, you begin the satisfying process of removing years of filthy build-up. The exterior of your house actually looks bright and sparkling clean! While you’re ready to begin planning the next item you’ll power wash, your shoulder pain makes you reconsider future projects. An afternoon spent aiming the trigger and moving in repetitive motions is causing pain on top of your shoulder blade, and shoulder pain when reaching behind your back. Before you begin researching how to refinish your deck, you start looking for a shoulder pain doctor who can address your left shoulder pain.

Pain Treatment Specialists offer a wide array of minimally invasive treatments for shoulder joint issues. At their cutting-edge pain clinics in NYC and northern NJ, you’ll find a team of pain management doctors who treat shoulder instability, front deltoid pain, upper arm injuries, and other shoulder problems. Our specialist doctors for shoulder pain customize a treatment plan for each patient depending on their diagnosis. Schedule an appointment at one of our conveniently located pain clinics and begin planning your next power washing project without the limitation of shoulder pain.

Who is the Best Shoulder Pain Doctor Near Me?

We don’t realize how essential our shoulders are for many movements until they begin to ache. How many times a day do you need to lift your arm? You’ve probably never paid attention to this before, but when your shoulder aches, you’re keenly aware that it’s much more than you realized. Since your shoulder is an integral part of your everyday movements, making sure that its joints and tendons are working properly and without pain is critical. If you’re not sure which doctor to see for neck and shoulder pain, seek the advice of a pain management doctor. This type of doctor is a specialist doctor for shoulder pain and only uses minimally invasive shoulder pain treatments.

At Pain Treatment Specialists, all of our shoulder specialists are also pain management experts. For example, Dr. George Hanna is a nationally recognized pain management specialist who is double board-certified in anesthesiology, pain medicine, and interventional pain management. He is the former Chairman of Anesthesiology and Pain Management at Chilton Medical Center, and the former Director of Pain Innovations and Technology at Harvard. In addition to his impressive resume, his patient reviews are exceptional. Dr. Hanna’s patients mention his kindness, thorough evaluations, and commitment to finding solutions for their chronic pain conditions.

Which doctor should I see for my shoulder pain? Find a shoulder pain doctor who is also a pain management specialist, and committed to finding the most conservative treatments for your shoulder pain. You’ll find this type of doctor at Pain Treatment Specialists, with several locations in NYC and northern NJ.

What are the Best Shoulder Pain Treatment Plans?

Your shoulder is a complex joint that involves interconnected muscles, tissues, and tendons that provide a wide range of motion. This is in addition to the ball and socket shoulder joint, which is also prone to its own set of injuries and pains. If your pain concern is “I fell on my arm and it hurts really bad”, your treatment plan is different than someone suffering from shoulder osteoarthritis. Whether you’ve had shoulder pain for 2 months, or if your shoulder is painful to touch, the pain management doctors at Pain Treatment Specialists have a minimally invasive treatment that works for your specific shoulder pain concern.

Physical therapy is a powerful tool for shoulder pain, especially when used in conjunction with a pain medicine treatment. Your physical therapist uses stretches and strength-building exercises to increase your range of motion and build strength in your shoulder.

Steroid injections are often used in conjunction with physical therapy for anti-inflammatory relief. During this procedure, your shoulder pain doctor draws a corticosteroid into a syringe and determines the exact location for injection. You may need multiple injections to produce maximum pain relief. One of the benefits of steroid injections is that you’re able to resume normal activities quickly, and also without pain.

Platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP) use your own blood to promote healing. Using a centrifuge, your pain doctor separates your platelets from your blood, and then injects these platelets into the damaged area. The platelets naturally encourage growth and regeneration.

Before visiting an orthopedic surgeon and considering surgery, first meet with a pain management doctor. At Pain Treatment Specialists, we only recommend surgery when it’s medically necessary, and find great success with our minimally invasive shoulder pain treatments.

When you’ve had shoulder pain for 2 months, it’s time to find a shoulder pain doctor who can provide effective pain relief. Schedule an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists for shoulder instability and shoulder joint pain. Their minimally invasive shoulder treatments offer long-lasting pain relief that also increases your range of motion.

Pain-free treatments!

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Can I Treat Left Shoulder Pain at Home?

Compression with an athletic bandage helps reduce pain and swelling, and also promotes stability. An ice pack used in 20-minute intervals also helps reduce swelling, especially when used with over-the-counter medications. Stretches can also improve your range of motion and provide pain relief. One effective stretch is called the pendulum stretch and begins with you standing and bending at the waist. Relax your neck and let your arms hang down. Move the injured arm in a gentle circle up to 20 times to increase your range of motion.

Book an appointment at Pain Treatment Specialists and begin feeling long-lasting shoulder pain relief. Your deck is patiently awaiting its turn to sparkle and shine!


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